Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive

Install VirtuHOT to be eligible for quarterly cash payments for heat already used 

Businesses on average pay between two and three pence per kWh of gas, a figure which is projected to rise 34% by 2035. Heating with electricity, oil, LPG or coal is subject to even higher premiums. The Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (‘NDRHI’) is a limited-time opportunity to lock in 20 years of cash payments, reducing energy costs while shrinking environmental footprints. 

The NDRHI is a U.K. government incentive programme administered by Ofgem. The programme provides a quarterly payment to building owners who install renewable heat technologies, including solar thermal, such as VirtuHOT. Like the well-known Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) programme for solar PV, which began in 2010 and closed to new installs early this year, the NDRHI pays a CPI-indexed rate for heat used over the next 20 years. 

The NDRHI pays an impressive £111.2 per MWh of heat generated by a VirtuHOT array. The programme allows for solar thermal systems with a nameplate capacity of up to 200 kW peak thermal output, which is about 600 VirtuHOT tubes. A VirtuHOT system of this size could provide benefits of £30,000 or more per year

To benefit from the NDRHI with a solar thermal system such as VirtuHOT, systems must be commissioned by the 31 March 2021 when the programme is due to close. If you’d like to learn more about how a VirtuHOT solar thermal system can contribute to the energy, carbon and economic goals of your business, don’t hesitate to contact one of our Solutions Engineers at


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